Tuesday, May 15, 2012

huh? wha? I dunno...

So I'll write about boys and girls again. Rant/I'm kinda angry/I'm laughing at some peoples misfortune/I shouldn't but sometimes you can't help it/until you are perfect.

Like....I'd love to not write about this, but it's my life right now. How can you tell between flirting and not flirting? I wrote about this like.......A LONG time ago. I also wish girls weren't allowed to talk to guys they didn't like. Almost as if they had a switch and their mouth that ABSOLUTELY could not open unless they had real feelings. That would be awesome. Boys could like everyone and go around talking to every different girl...only the girl couldn't answer back unless they had true feelings. This could be useful, because, one, there would be less noise polution and, two, less mixed signals. Imagine a guy walking up to a girl. "Hello!".....then silence and a blank stare in return.

That would be great.

Imagine it, when the girl stopped having feelings or something and felt that there should be a break-up the girl just couldn't talk anymore to that guy. And she would go on her merry way and there would be no choice for the guy. He would have to leave because she couldn't physically talk to him.

Bam! Problem solved. How else can it ever work? Girls are toooooo nice sometimes. Some people are like...well...how would we get to know eachother?

Ok...well...how about this. You can never flirt with a guy unless you are interested. So you would always be serious, never flirt, never smile at a guy unless feelings were real.

So with that said...Also...why do girls trip when they find out a guy would like to date her? Meh...that subject bores me.

Honestly, I asked some guys about it. They agreed....there needs to be a radar or something like unto it. Honestly I never know. When I think I do...that's when I don't. And when I really think I do, that's when I'm in for a huge surprise.

Yeah. Really though. Number two...I've been reading Stand For Something by President Hinckley. I want to lift a few phrases that struck me...and hopefully let you ponder on them.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." - Proverbs 15:1... I hear so many complaints from men and women that they cannot communicate with one another. Can they not discuss with one another in an open and frank and candid and happy way, their interests, their problems, their challenges, their disappointments, their desires? ... It is impossible for them to love someone with whom they don't or won't talk.

Grievous words could be a lot of things.

Last quote...from Jenkins Lloyd Jones...

There seems to be a superstition among many thousands of our young who hold hands and smooch in the drive-ins that marriage is a cottage surrounded by perpetual hollyhocks to which a perpetually young and handsome husband comes home to perpetually young and ravishing wife. When the hollyhocks wither and boredom and bills appear, the divorce courts are jammed. Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around and shouting that he or she has been robbed.

President Hinckley :
 Connected to evitably with the process of marriage is pain - physical, mental and emotional. Too many who come to marriage have been coddled and spoiled and somehow led to feel that everything must be right at all times.

My roommate:
 I feel like girls have these hopes and dreams and desires. They find a guy that they like and transpose those hopes and dreams on that guy even though that guy really doesn't represent what she thinks he does, then throws herself at him...sometimes the guy goes for it and sometimes he doesn't.

Crushes die. Love, is a constant. It is loyalty. It is reality.

Well its said. If ya don't like it...don't click it. I'm from the South were common sense prevails.